We hope you enjoy this edition our VACC News. Included in this month's newsletter you'll find industry updates; Powerhouse Practice Workshops; and more! As your new President, I look forward to working with you all a ...

We hope you enjoy this edition our VACC News. Included in this month's newsletter you'll find industry updates; Powerhouse Practice Workshops; and more! As your new President, I look forward to working with you all a ...
Powerhouse Practice: “Promoting Your Practice” WHAT Too much to do to promote your practice? Make time to attend this training. The training will provide you tips on the business side of your practice in addition ...
WHAT Too much to do to promote your practice? Make time to attend this training. The training will provide you tips on the business side of your practice in addition to presentations on ENDR Supervision; Testing and ...
VACC joins AMHCA in sending its heartfelt condolences and concerns to all those affected by the tragedy in Los Vegas. We are keeping friends, family and loved ones in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if the ...